Monday, January 6, 2020

Disastrous storms an fires

The reference to two groups of people, one in which God provides the food for them, while the other would have undesirable food. It describes God's mercy in saving the people who were bitten by snakes, when these people turned towards God. God also sends flood and fire as judgment to the unrighteous, how similar is that to today. In the desert, God provided the manna at the right quantity, so that the people would have to do physical work of collecting it every morning (except Sabbath), and give thanks and recognize the provision from God.

Wisdom 16 (RSVCE)
16 Therefore those men were deservedly punished through such creatures,
and were tormented by a multitude of animals.
2 Instead of this punishment thou didst show kindness to thy people,
and thou didst prepare quails to eat,
a delicacy to satisfy the desire of appetite;
3 in order that those men, when they desired food,
might lose the least remnant of appetite[a]
because of the odious creatures sent to them,
while thy people,[b] after suffering want a short time,
might partake of delicacies.
4 For it was necessary that upon those oppressors inexorable want should come,
while to these it was merely shown how their enemies were being tormented.

5 For when the terrible rage of wild beasts came upon thy people[c]
and they were being destroyed by the bites of writhing serpents,
thy wrath did not continue to the end;
6 they were troubled for a little while as a warning,
and received a token of deliverance to remind them of thy law’s command.
7 For he who turned toward it was saved, not by what he saw,
but by thee, the Savior of all.
8 And by this also thou didst convince our enemies
that it is thou who deliverest from every evil.
9 For they were killed by the bites of locusts and flies,
and no healing was found for them,
because they deserved to be punished by such things;
10 but thy sons were not conquered even by the teeth of venomous serpents,
for thy mercy came to their help and healed them.
11 To remind them of thy oracles they were bitten,
and then were quickly delivered,
lest they should fall into deep forgetfulness
and become unresponsive[d] to thy kindness.
12 For neither herb nor poultice cured them,
but it was thy word, O Lord, which heals all men.
13 For thou hast power over life and death;
thou dost lead men down to the gates of Hades and back again.
14 A man in his wickedness kills another,
but he cannot bring back the departed spirit,
nor set free the imprisoned soul.

Disastrous Storms Strike Egypt
15 To escape from thy hand is impossible;
16 for the ungodly, refusing to know thee,
were scourged by the strength of thy arm,
pursued by unusual rains and hail and relentless storms,
and utterly consumed by fire.
17 For—most incredible of all—in the water, which quenches all things,
the fire had still greater effect,
for the universe defends the righteous.
18 At one time the flame was restrained,
so that it might not consume the creatures sent against the ungodly,
but that seeing this they might know
that they were being pursued by the judgment of God;
19 and at another time even in the midst of water it burned more intensely than fire,
to destroy the crops of the unrighteous land.

The Israelites Receive Manna
20 Instead of these things thou didst give thy people food of angels,
and without their toil thou didst supply them from heaven with bread ready to eat,
providing every pleasure and suited to every taste.
21 For thy sustenance manifested thy sweetness toward thy children;
and the bread, ministering[e] to the desire of the one who took it,
was changed to suit every one’s liking.
22 Snow and ice withstood fire without melting,
so that they might know that the crops of their enemies
were being destroyed by the fire that blazed in the hail
and flashed in the showers of rain;
23 whereas the fire,[f] in order that the righteous might be fed,
even forgot its native power.

24 For creation, serving thee who hast made it,
exerts itself to punish the unrighteous,
and in kindness relaxes on behalf of those who trust in thee.
25 Therefore at that time also, changed into all forms,
it served thy all-nourishing bounty,
according to the desire of those who had need,[g]
26 so that thy sons, whom thou didst love, O Lord, might learn
that it is not the production of crops that feeds man,
but that thy word preserves those who trust in thee.
27 For what was not destroyed by fire
was melted when simply warmed by a fleeting ray of the sun,
28 to make it known that one must rise before the sun to give thee thanks,
and must pray to thee at the dawning of the light;
29 for the hope of an ungrateful man will melt like wintry frost,
and flow away like waste water.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Benefits of Worshiping the True God

We are reminded that to worship the One True Lord is to our benefit. In contrast, it is pointless to worship idols made from our hands. It is futile to worship the idols and they only take our attention away from the True God. Besides idols, it is also pointless to worship animals and beast which are also creation of God.

Wisdom 15  (RSVCE)
Benefits of Worshiping the True God
15 But thou, our God, art kind and true,
patient, and ruling all things[a] in mercy.
2 For even if we sin we are thine, knowing thy power;
but we will not sin, because we know that we are accounted thine.
3 For to know thee is complete righteousness,
and to know thy power is the root of immortality.
4 For neither has the evil intent of human art misled us,
nor the fruitless toil of painters,
a figure stained with varied colors,
5 whose appearance arouses yearning in fools,
so that they desire[b] the lifeless form of a dead image.
6 Lovers of evil things and fit for such objects of hope[c]
are those who either make or desire or worship them.

The Foolishness of Worshiping Clay Idols
7 For when a potter kneads the soft earth
and laboriously molds each vessel for our service,
he fashions out of the same clay
both the vessels that serve clean uses
and those for contrary uses, making all in like manner;
but which shall be the use of each of these
the worker in clay decides.
8 With misspent toil, he forms a futile god from the same clay—
this man who was made of earth a short time before
and after a little while goes to the earth from which he was taken,
when he is required to return the soul that was lent him.
9 But he is not concerned that he is destined to die
or that his life is brief,
but he competes with workers in gold and silver,
and imitates workers in copper;
and he counts it his glory that he molds counterfeit gods.
10 His heart is ashes, his hope is cheaper than dirt,
and his life is of less worth than clay,
11 because he failed to know the one who formed him
and inspired him with an active soul
and breathed into him a living spirit.
12 But he[d] considered our existence an idle game,
and life a festival held for profit,
for he says one must get money however one can, even by base means.
13 For this man, more than all others, knows that he sins
when he makes from earthy matter fragile vessels and graven images.

14 But most foolish, and more miserable than an infant,
are all the enemies who oppressed thy people.
15 For they thought that all their heathen idols were gods,
though these have neither the use of their eyes to see with,
nor nostrils with which to draw breath,
nor ears with which to hear,
nor fingers to feel with,
and their feet are of no use for walking.
16 For a man made them,
and one whose spirit is borrowed formed them;
for no man can form a god which is like himself.
17 He is mortal, and what he makes with lawless hands is dead,
for he is better than the objects he worships,
since[e] he has life, but they never have.

Serpents in the Desert
18 The enemies of thy people[f] worship even the most hateful animals,
which are worse than all others, when judged by their lack of intelligence;
19 and even as animals they are not so beautiful in appearance that one would desire them,
but they have escaped both the praise of God and his blessing.

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