Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Fear Strikes on the First Passover and beyond

 This passage in Wisdom describes the terror on that first Passover night. Before discussing the Wisdom chapter in detail, let us remember the passage from Exodus.

Exodus 11

4 Then Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt, 5 and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of the Pharaoh who sits on his throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl who is behind the millstones; all the firstborn of the cattle as well. 6 So there shall be a great cry in all the land of Egypt, such as there has not been before and such as shall never be again. 7 But not even a dog will [c]threaten any of the sons of Israel, nor anything from person to animal, so that you may [d]learn how the Lord distinguishes between Egypt and Israel.’

Exodus 12

The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you [o]live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will come upon you [p]to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.

It is very easy to assume that the last plague will punish the Egyptians and protect the children of Israel, and even Exodus 11:7 hinted at this. However the exact text about the plague is on the firstborn of the land of Egypt, including the slaves (who were likely non-Egyptian, and likely to be Hebrew) and the animals too. God does not condemn based on race and ethnicity, neither is salvation based on race and ethnicity. For the firstborn of the Israelites were not safe too, unless they had the blood brushed on the houses. It is the faith in God's word that led them to trust in God that they will be spared when there is blood on the house.

With this perspective, both Egyptians and Israelites would have been affected by fear and uncertainty over the announcement of the last plague. The ungodly, including the powerful ones, may continue to sin but they are affected by fear. They are terrified by the darkness, the same darkness in which they sinned. None of their magicians, supernatural crafts, medicine are able to alleviate their fears. Fears turn into terror, even when there is nothing or an animal passing, will cause them to tremble. 

It continues with more intense description of the terror from sleepless nights, to feeling totally powerless, to imaginations of monsters and spectres and becoming paralysed by the fear. Every sound from wind, birds, animals, water will cause them to be paralyzed by fear. Even though that First Passover was for only one night, the description of man's fear in this passage also extend to any general time when man refuses to accept the promise of salvation from God.

Wisdom 17 (RSVCE) - Terror Strikes the Egyptians at Night
17 Great are thy judgments and hard to describe;
therefore uninstructed souls have gone astray.
2 For when lawless men supposed that they held the holy nation in their power,
they themselves lay as captives of darkness and prisoners of long night,
shut in under their roofs, exiles from eternal providence.
3 For thinking that in their secret sins they were unobserved
behind a dark curtain of forgetfulness,
they were scattered, terribly[a] alarmed,
and appalled by specters.
4 For not even the inner chamber that held them protected them from fear,
but terrifying sounds rang out around them,
and dismal phantoms with gloomy faces appeared.
5 And no power of fire was able to give light,
nor did the brilliant flames of the stars
avail to illumine that hateful night.
6 Nothing was shining through to them
except a dreadful, self-kindled fire,
and in terror they deemed the things which they saw
to be worse than that unseen appearance.
7 The delusions of their magic art lay humbled,
and their boasted wisdom was scornfully rebuked.
8 For those who promised to drive off the fears and disorders of a sick soul
were sick themselves with ridiculous fear.
9 For even if nothing disturbing frightened them,
yet, scared by the passing of beasts and the hissing of serpents,
10 they perished in trembling fear,
refusing to look even at the air, though it nowhere could be avoided.
11 For wickedness is a cowardly thing, condemned by its own testimony;[b]
distressed by conscience, it has always exaggerated[c] the difficulties.
12 For fear is nothing but surrender of the helps that come from reason;
13 and the inner expectation of help, being weak,
prefers ignorance of what causes the torment.
14 But throughout the night, which was really powerless,
and which beset them from the recesses of powerless Hades,
they all slept the same sleep,
15 and now were driven by monstrous specters,
and now were paralyzed by their souls’ surrender,
for sudden and unexpected fear overwhelmed them.
16 And whoever was there fell down,
and thus was kept shut up in a prison not made of iron;
17 for whether he was a farmer or a shepherd
or a workman who toiled in the wilderness,
he was seized, and endured the inescapable fate;
for with one chain of darkness they all were bound.
18 Whether there came a whistling wind,
or a melodious sound of birds in wide-spreading branches,
or the rhythm of violently rushing water,
19 or the harsh crash of rocks hurled down,
or the unseen running of leaping animals,
or the sound of the most savage roaring beasts,
or an echo thrown back from a hollow of the mountains,
it paralyzed them with terror.
20 For the whole world was illumined with brilliant light,
and was engaged in unhindered work,
21 while over those men alone heavy night was spread,
an image of the darkness that was destined to receive them;
but still heavier than darkness were they to themselves.

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